Monday, October 8, 2007

[[*FiRsT SnOw*]]

Saturday Morning I woke up and it was all cold and not so pretty looking outside. Later that day my dad came over and told me Kellie and him went up the canyon and took some pictures. Wow! It's so pretty up there. So Cody, Glendon and I decided to go up there to see the snow. It was so beautiful! We also got some way cute pictures. After we were done up the Canyon we went over to Glendon's family's house. His Older sister Karmalee's boyfriend came over and we got to meet him. His name is Ben. We also did a few fireworks hahaha and then the little kids made some halloween house's. It was alot of fun I just love his family they are dang cute. Then later that night we headed up to my Aunt's house to look at her kitchen. It is looking so good I just love it. Well that's about it for the weekend. So I will fill you all in later.